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Wood Shop

Student works on wood lathe in ICS Lab

The Kao ICS Wood Shop in G161 Zeanah Engineering Complex has a variety of tools and is equipped for wood and mild metal work. There is no required knowledge to work in the shop, just a willingness to learn.

  • Want to create a bird house?
    Learn how to use the table saw and drill press.
  • Engrave a wooden sign?
    Put it on the CNC router and then sand it to a smooth finish.
  • Working on a school project and need to cut some items to size?
    Use one of the many versions of saws we have to offer.

The wood shop hosts these tools and more for your use. If you have any questions or are at a loss for where to start, all you need to do is ask one of the readily available Kao ICS student staff members.

Wood Shop Equipment